PSU Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Event – Homecoming (9/28) @ 930am @ The House

I wanted to quickly announce that our Penn State Pi Kappa Phi alumni board is restarting in-person general meetings as a way to get the word out about the state of the brotherhood, reconnect alumni and get alumni to spend more time at the house when they return to Penn State.

The first event will be at the house during homecoming (September 28) from 930 – 11am, which will get you headed to the tailgates in plenty of time prior to kickoff at 7 or 7:30 PM. The board is inviting all alumni to this catered breakfast event and will also extend an invitation to the undergrads. There will be an opportunity to tour the house, as well.

In addition, please be sure to see the QR code below to make a contribution for Homecoming and to contribute to the Annual Fund and the 409 Club.

Scan here to donate!

In order to get an accurate count for the event and also to get your thoughts on future events, please fill out this survey.  Even if you can’t make it, your input on future events will help to provide insight on how to plan them to maximize attendance.

If you can’t reach the survey due to firewall issues, then just send your responses to the questions below to

Here are the questions:

    1. Name:
  1. Pledge Class Year:
  2. Email:
  3. Will You Attend the Homecoming (9/28) Event at the house starting a 930am?  If yes or maybe, how many people in your group?
  4. In the Future, what type of event would you be able to attend?
    1. Fall Event on a Home Football Saturday scheduled to meet before or after the game
    2. Fall Event on an Away Football Saturday scheduled to have the meeting and watch the game in the house
    3. Spring Event scheduled to be an evening meeting and dinner
    4. Summer Event scheduled to be an evening meeting and dinner
  5. Do you have any suggestions on how to improve attendance at events or improve fund-raising?

Thanks in advance for your input and hope to see you there!

Tim Clark ’87