Thank you to our 409 Club donors:

You’ll receive this Pi Kapp Pin to wear proudly as thanks for your gift!
Or send a check to our processing center listed below:
Pi Kappa Phi – Penn State University
Alumni Relations Office
P.O. Box 876
Ithaca, NY 14851-9980
In the check, memo put 409 Club
Or call our toll-free Donation Hotline at: (607) 882-0417
Thank you for your gift to the 409 Club! Your contribution proves your commitment to keeping our legacy alive at Penn State. Without you and others who recognize the important role alumni play in our future, we could not continue to offer our fraternity experience to new generations of men.
As alumni, we want to maintain the pride we have in our house. Your support helps provide maintenance and enhancements and ensures we’ll always have a place to come home to.
The value of friendships we forged as students grow as time passes and your gift makes it possible to celebrate those friendships with reunions, annual gatherings, and other events. You’ve also helped to keep our alumni network connected online at, and through our newsletter and communications program.
Finally, as a volunteer for the fraternity, I thank you personally and sincerely for showing that you support my efforts and the time, dedication, and hard work of our other alumni volunteers. Your gift is a true display of brotherhood in action.
For The Board,
Stephen J. DiOrio ‘78 Alumni President, The Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Corporation